





A simulation study of entrainment rate in southwest vortex convective clouds

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    本文使用中尺度数值模式WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting Model)模拟了2010年7月8—9日发生在四川盆地的一次西南涡降水天气过程,并计算该过程中零度层以下对流云中的夹卷率。从云内垂直特征看:云内的含水量、垂直风速和浮力都在云底之上随高度递增,而在云顶附近随高度递减;云内的湿静力能则主要随高度递减;夹卷率在云底以上随高度递减,而在云顶附近随高度递增,但是云顶高度越高,在云顶附近的递增趋势越不明显。另外,夹卷率和云内的云水、雨水含量都呈负相关,说明夹卷抑制了对流云的发展以及地面降水。当假设被夹卷的环境空气来自云边界附近时,计算所得的夹卷率值要大于假设夹卷空气远离云边界所得值,但这两种假设中夹卷率的其他特征是类似的。从演变特征看,夹卷率总体上随时间减小,这和这段时间内对流云整体发展增高有关。


    In this paper,a southwest vortex rainfall process of 8—9 July 2010 over Sichuan Basin is simulated using the Mesoscale Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model.The simulation results are then utilized to estimate the entrainment rate in convective clouds under 0 ℃ layer.It is found that the vertical distribution characteristics of simulated precipitation particles are roughly consistent with the observed characteristics,proving that the WRF accurately simulates the vertical distribution of precipitation particles in the southwest vortex precipitation cloud system.The simulation results show that the liquid water content,vertical velocity and buoyancy in the clouds increase with height above the cloud base and decrease with height close to the cloud top.However,the moisture static energy (MSE) mainly reduces with cloud height.In the case of entrained air far away from the cloud edges,the entrainment rate decreases with height above the cloud base and increases with height towards the cloud top,while the intensity of the entrainment rate towards the cloud top weakens,and the mean entrainment rate decreases.In addition,the entrainment rate is negatively correlated with both cloud water content and rain water content in cloud,indicating that the entrainment increases the evaporation of cloud droplets,reduces the size of droplets and consequently suppress the development of convective clouds and precipitation.When we assume that the entrained environmental air surrounds the cloud edge,the estimated entrainment rate is higher than the corresponding value when we assume that the entrained air is far away from the cloud edge.However,the vertical distribution characteristics of entrainment rate and the influence of entrained air on the clouds are similar under the two assumptions.Both assumptions have advantages and disadvantages that should be considered when determining the entrapment rate of the southwest vortex cloud system.Moreover,the entrainment rate decreases over time,which is related to the development and growth of the cloud ensemble during this time.The results in this paper provide a theoretical basis for further research on entrainment rate parameterization in the Sichuan basin.


郭小浩,陆春松,赵天良,朱锦尧,李跃清,段静鑫,罗仕,2022.西南涡对流云中夹卷率的模拟研究[J].大气科学学报,45(6):917-925. GUO Xiaohao, LU Chunsong, ZHAO Tianliang, ZHU Jinyao, LI Yueqing, DUAN Jingxin, LUO Shi,2022. A simulation study of entrainment rate in southwest vortex convective clouds[J]. Trans Atmos Sci,45(6):917-925. DOI:10.13878/j. cnki. dqkxxb.20191128012

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  • 收稿日期:2019-11-28
  • 最后修改日期:2020-03-02
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  • 在线发布日期: 2022-12-15
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